Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Mid Session Letter

Dear Mrs. Cline,
            Since I tested into Honors English, I was apprehensive about whether or not I would be bored in taking English 101 and 102. I have to say I was impressed and glad that I decided to take the lower level classes instead. Your class, so far, has helped me in better developing my different writing techniques. I have always had a problem knowing where to start when I begin to write a paper. Once I have it, it comes easily but the starting process is difficult. I think that my biggest success in this class is being able to not worry about posting my assignments for everyone to see. I am really not sure why in this class is does not seem to bother me. It could be because everyone has to do it, so I’m not being singled out.
            The readings in this class have been eye-opening for me. To be able to see the extent of the stress that war causes is disconcerting. My career goal probably has a lot to do with my interest in reading these texts. My goal is to be a trauma management therapist, which deals with PTSD, among other things. Huze and O’Brien’s texts have created a better understanding of the depths of stress that is caused. To know that someone can completely lose themselves internally only adds to the fact that they could lose their lives at anytime.
            Literary analysis is different for me because in previous papers you were either summarizing or writing about opinions. Literary Analysis shows you how to argue while being able to back up your arguments with the texts you have read. The reason that I like this is because I can formulate my own opinion about what I think the writer is trying to portray as long as I can back it up with citations from the texts.
            I can’t say that I actually have goals for what I want to learn in this class. I would like to improve my writing skills and know what I do well and what still needs work. I would like to see more informative peer reviews if we continue doing them. Again I am glad that I chose to take your recommended class and I hope that the rest of the semester is as enlightening as the first half.

Thank you,
Theresa Murray

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